sensorineural hearing loss audiogram
sensorineural hearing loss audiogram

Thediagnosisrequiresanaudiogram,showingapermanenthearingloss,measuredbyvalidboneconduction,ofatleast25decibelsat500,1000, ...,AnaudiogramisaplotoffrequencyinHertz(Hz)againstintensitymeasuredindecibelshearinglevel(dBHL).·Theintensityrangesfrom-10d...

How to Read Your Hearing Test Results (Audiogram)


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Sensorineural Hearing Loss F001 | CLIK

The diagnosis requires an audiogram, showing a permanent hearing loss, measured by valid bone conduction, of at least 25 decibels at 500, 1000, ...

Deafness and hearing loss toolkit

An audiogram is a plot of frequency in Hertz (Hz) against intensity measured in decibels hearing level (dB HL). · The intensity ranges from -10dB HL to 120dB HL.

Audiology Pure-Tone Testing

Audiogram depicting a high-frequency sensorineural hearing loss in the right ear. The pattern exhibits the greatest hearing loss in the 4000- to ...

Audiogram Interpretation | Reading Audiograms

If there is hearing loss, an audiogram helps distinguish conductive loss (outer/middle ear) from sensorineural loss (cochlea/cochlear nerve).

How to Read an Audiogram

Audiograms are used to diagnose and monitor hearing loss. · Audiograms are created by plotting the thresholds at which a patient can hear various ...

How to Read Your Hearing Test Results (Audiogram)

On an audiogram, sensorineural hearing loss typically displays elevated threshold levels for both air conduction (X) and bone conduction (>), with minimal or no air-bone gap present .


An example of a mild-to-moderate sensorineural hearing loss. The audiogram gives a “picture” of your hearing. It indicates how much hearing varies from ...

Sensorineural Hearing Loss - StatPearls

Patients are often sent for an audiogram to evaluate their hearing in an outpatient clinic. This essentially tests both air and bone conduction pathways, and ...

Audiogram Interpretation - StatPearls

The audiogram quantifies and visually displays a patient's degree and type of hearing loss (sensorineural, conductive, or mixed).


Thediagnosisrequiresanaudiogram,showingapermanenthearingloss,measuredbyvalidboneconduction,ofatleast25decibelsat500,1000, ...,AnaudiogramisaplotoffrequencyinHertz(Hz)againstintensitymeasuredindecibelshearinglevel(dBHL).·Theintensityrangesfrom-10dBHLto120dBHL.,Audiogramdepictingahigh-frequencysensorineuralhearinglossintherightear.Thepatternexhibitsthegreatesthearinglossinthe4000-to ...,Iftherei...